Saturday, September 22, 2007

Night and Day

I am now able to distinguish between night and day. Night is when the world seems to fall back in contemplation about the colors and images and sounds that were so amazingly vivid and beautiful during the day. Night is when Mommy and Daddy are not around to play and pick me up and shower me with kisses and pinches everywhere. (I'm missing them...) Night is when I somehow choose not to make cooing sounds and gurgles so as not to wake anybody up. Coz I've noticed people always tend to copy me as if they were just learning to talk. Or speak a new language. Night is when my favorite colors are somewhere else in the planet. Night is when I find it more comfortable napping after each routine feeding. (yep, they're noticeably routine) Night is when little angels are there to watch me and keep me safe from the bogeyman. Nights are when I can wish upon a handful of twinkling lights outside my window, be it stars or city lights, whichever is plenty. Nights give me something to be thankful for: how lucky I am to have such loving parents, and for the bright sunny day that has been.

Despite the setbacks, I love it at nighttime. I just wish Mommy and Daddy are always here. I wonder where they could be... One thing I'm sure about is that they definitely miss me too, because whenever I wake up in the morning, I would find myself snuggled in their arms amidst the kisses. I can't wait for nighttime. By then I can wish upon the night lights for my Mommy and Daddy to know how much I love them sooo dearly. Amen.

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