Tuesday, September 25, 2007


I feel bad for Mommy. She's obviously not feeling well. ( I think she's having a mild case of the flu.. ) Mommy's always saying she shouldn't be kissing me and keep carrying me around because I might catch whatever she's got. I'm thinking she may have gotten it from me! I fell sick and was feverish in just over a week ago, with my temperature shooting up to 37.8 degrees! And then I was coughing now and then after that. Mommy could have been infected. She's already started coughing last night. I overheard her saying she doesn't feel like working today, but she still went off with Daddy. Poor Mommy, I wish I didn't have to infect her with anything so she can still have fun and smile a lot. I hope she's okay wherever she is right now. I hope she gets well really soon.

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