Friday, September 28, 2007

Angel Me

When I grow up I want to be an angel.

Yesterday we went to the Gateway Mall. Mommy was so excited, I had no idea why. When we reached the place we were supposed to go to, we passed a lot of people who kept smiling down at me. While being pushed on a stroller, I can only get a good look at people's faces whom we passed by, and my daddy's playful manner of peeking at me from time to time. Upon arriving at our destination, my stomach started grumbling for milk. The temperature in the area was fairly cold, and so my eyes got droopy as I finished up the remains in my milk bottle. When Mommy picked me up from where I lay, I couldn't find Daddy anywhere. Mommy led me into a messed up room full of lightings and props. At first I was laid down on my stomach. At 3 months, I know I should have no problem carrying my head, but I just can't keep at it for too long. While this lady was taking pictures of me, I could sense that she was feeling uncomfortable with the way I carried myself up. The flashes of light were coming at me one after another too fast, as I was pondering whether the ground was soft enough to cushion my head if I let it drop. Next thing I knew I was laying sideways facing this lady who kept trying to make me smile while taking pictures of me. Mommy seemed also intent on getting my attention. And then I saw Daddy. He was quiet the whole time. Just smiling and looking interested. He had this knowing look about me, as though he was expecting me to act the way I did. Mommy on the other hand was all smiles trying her best to get me to smile too. I just had no clue what everybody was up to.

When the photo shoot was over I was led back to the lobby. Grandma was surprisingly there waiting for us. She seemed so happy to see me. It was about after several minutes of hanging out in the lobby when I heard Daddy and Mommy talking about a picture taken of me that was really pretty. It was I heard a portrait of an angel. I couldn't be more excited to see that photograph after having heard their conversation as Daddy wheeled me out of the lobby.

When I grow up... I want to be an angel!

1 comment:

loveliness said...

Dearest Lei,

Grandma is curious about the magic candle.
Any leftovers of your cake?
Happy 3rd month birthday!

Grandma Zen