Tuesday, September 25, 2007

My Upcoming Baptism

I had a blast on my weekend. Not only did I have Mommy and Daddy for myself, I actually had visitors! Well, two people would count as visitors won't they? One of 'em was my Uncle Russel who always finds it funny when he tickles me all over. When I grow up, I'll have him tied to a chair and tickle him myself till he gags laughing. Talk about thoughts of cruelty at a young age. I was just kidding.. I guess he can make it up to me by simply bringing along his famous spaghetti concoction whenever he visits. AND a whole bunch of new clothes and PC games!

Tagging along with him was a handsome twentyish guy sporting a funny goatee right under his lower lip. Daddy said I can start calling him Ninong Jhon, for he was signed up as one of my Godfathers on my upcoming Christening. He'll probably swear that whoever brings harm to his Goddaughter shall sleep with the fish. Mommy actually took home some pretty dresses she wants me to wear on that fateful day. I so much love 'em as she does. Can't wait to try them on but only after they have been machine washed to get rid of the formaldehyde ( that which prevents mildew in clothes shipped a long way) and excess dye. I had recently recovered from a terrible rash. Mr. Doctor says it could be an allergic reaction to some allergen. I may have picked up my allergies from Daddy who has a lot of 'em. Daddy says allergies are a result of a hypersensitive immune system. He says certain protein molecules could have triggered my allergic symptoms. I wonder why he doesn't get a nosebleed whenever I speak baby to him..

I'm looking forward to my Baptism. Grandma says I'll be a soldier for Jesus. I wonder what that means..

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